Jellyfish Contrast

A beautiful orange Pacific Sea Nettle, or a Medusa in its adult stage, contrasting with the dark blue aquarium background. This majestic jellyfish bright colors provide an awe to the viewer. In color theory, this blue and orange are complementary, invoking a strong contrast. The imperfections of the water were removed to make the image seem almost unreal, as if it was a painting.

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You can purchase prints through Fine Arts America or ViewBug
Fine Arts America ViewBug

Location Atlanta, GA
Date 14 May 2016
Camera Canon Rebel T3
Lens Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS II SLR Zoom Lens
Focal Length 18mm
ISO 3200
F- Stop f/3.5
Exposure 1/30
Extra Information

Rights Manage Image licensing is available to purchase through Pixels