I Love You in 20 Languages

This design states “I love you,” in 20 languages. These languages include English, American Sign Language, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, Korean, Hawaiian, Russian, Vietnamese, Hindi, Hebrew, Greek, Turkish, Polish, and Swahili. I created this graphic to represent unity and compassion throughout the world no matter of one’s language or culture.

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Mock up wall art for I Love You in 20 Languages

Graphic wall art is a great way to decorate your home or office. When you purchase wall art from an artist directly, you are supporting a passion and an individual rather than a corporation. From the links below, you can purchase photographic wall art from a wide range of materials, including, but not limited to, paper, canvas, metal, and acrylic. You can also purchase greeting cards with a personalized message to send to family and friends. For more information on purchasing wall art through Adoara, please visit the shopping guide.

You can purchase prints through Fine Arts America

Fine Arts America

Size 9847 x 9847 pixels / 5.71 MB
Date Published 2 February 2019
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